Saturday, December 31, 2011

Brahmin Didi Melborne Shoulder Bag (Pecan)

!±8± Brahmin Didi Melborne Shoulder Bag (Pecan)

Brand : Brahmin | Rate : | Price : $249.00
Post Date : Jan 01, 2012 00:34:08 | Usually ships in 24 hours

Dressed for success. Our Didi shoulder bag is the perfect combination of everyday wear and business appropriate. Turn-lock closure and chain link shoulder strap lend an updated sophistication to this functional business bag.

  • 8"H x 10.5"W x 3"D
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  • chain link detail strap
  • interior zip pocket, two organizer pockets, jewelry pocket
  • keyclip and penloops

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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Authentic Designer Handbags - How to Spot a Fake Handbag From an Authentic One

!±8± Authentic Designer Handbags - How to Spot a Fake Handbag From an Authentic One

In today's economy, the growing number of knock-off designer handbags continues to rise. For the woman that is still after the authentic designer handbags, this can present a challenge. Have no fear, there are ways that you can identify an authentic designer handbag. We're here to help! Below are some of the designer handbag brands that we carry and how you can identify the real from the fake and save yourself from a disappointing purchase.

B. Makowsky handbags: B. Makowsky handbags are known for their supple leather, chunky hardware and signature lining. Most knock-off handbags are not made of this same genuine soft leather and will not have the signature satin lining. Look for these characteristics when shopping B. Makowsky handbags. If the price looks too good to be true, it probably is.

Michael Kors handbags: Michael Kors is known for his trademark square buckles, snaps or accents on the handbag. Every Michael Kors purse has these square accents. The knock-offs do not have these accents or often times forget to use the logo on the hardware.

Marc Jacobs handbags: Marc Jacobs zippers have slanted "i's". If the bag has upright "i's" then it is probably a fake. Authentic Marc Jacobs handbags do not have blank zippers. Note that on some of their E/W (East/West) handbags a Lampo zipper will be used. A Lampo zipper is manufactured by Lampo and will have the zipper brand found on the backside or underneath the zipper. Fake Michael Kors bags will often have a metal or leather tag hanging from the bag. These never appear on authentic Michael Kors bags. Avoid handbags with tags that state "Authentic Marc Jacobs". Some replica manufacturers use this to fool consumers in believing they have purchased an authentic bag. Each Michael Kors bag should have a metal label inside that says Michael Kors and it should not have a serial number or identification number. This is not a feature of Michael Kors handbags.

Brahmin handbags: Rest assured that there have not been any discovered knock-offs of Brahmin handbags yet. At one point, these handbags were being assembled in China so don't be alarmed if you find an authentic that says "made in China" as these are authentic handbags.

Cole Haan handbags: Cole Haan is notorious for soft and supple leather bags. When you bend the leather, you shouldn't be able to feel any crinkle. If the leather has a plastic or rough feel, chances are it is a fake. Cole Haan bags cost anywhere from 0 to ,000 so if someone is selling it for , chances are it is a fake.

There are some steps you can take into consideration when buying a discount designer handbag:

Read the description of the bag carefully and ask questions for anything that may seem unclear. If the description states the handbag is a "replica" or "designer inspired" then the bag is not authentic. Consider the price of the handbag. If the price looks too good to be true, then chances are it is. If the bag is being sold for 25% of the original retail, chances are it's a fake. Also note that there are authentic brands online at 40% off or even a little higher so you'll need to investigate those further. Determine if the dealer is a reputable dealer. Some things you can ask yourself are: Do they have a reasonable return policy? Does their website have a professional look and feel? Are they selling other products besides the designer handbags? Look for key trademark characteristics that are notorious for the specific designers. We have listed some of these traits above to help you identify by brand. Designer handbags are usually crafted of fine leather and soft fabrics. If the handbag is crafted in cheap leather, it's probably a knock-off. Check the stitching to make sure it's even and straight. Fake designer handbags usually have crooked or incomplete stitching. Authentic bags will have even and straight stitching.

Most importantly, if you aren't sure, ask the dealer if their bag is authentic and what their return policy is. If they are willing to offer a return policy or 100% satisfaction guarantee, then the designer handbags are usually authentic. We hope that we have helped to give you the tools you need to shop for authentic designer handbags.

Authentic Designer Handbags - How to Spot a Fake Handbag From an Authentic One

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Tuesday, November 22, 2011



Rate : | Price : | Post Date : Nov 22, 2011 23:11:36
Usually ships in 24 hours

Flattering and understated, this stunning Brahmin Elin shoulder bag is the perfect silhouette as your everyday bag. Brahmin Retail 5+tax. ~Guaranteed Authentic Brahmin~

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Monday, October 31, 2011

Handicrafts of Kerala

!±8± Handicrafts of Kerala

Kerala, the Gods own country Situated in India has a rich tradition of Handicrafts. Kerala's traditional handicrafts are a class of its own. The artisans of kerala have traditional expertise in carving in wood, jewellery design, both gold and silver and also in other mediums. Making idos and figures in metaletc. The gifted artisans makes beautiful idols of Lord Krishna, Ganesh, Goddess Saraswathi, Lakshmi etc. in sandal wood ,elephants in rose wood and other art works in varieties of other woods.

Life size models of Kathakali, and models depiciting snake boat race of kerala are exclusive masterpieces of kerala aritisans. The idols of Lord Nataraja in dancing posture and the various lamps (vilakku) which are essential for every ceremonies of keralities are also created by artisans.

Industrial arts and handicrafts form an invaluable part of the Cultural heritage of Kerala. Metal crafts have the pride of place among the traditional arts. Bell-metal casting is an old time industrial art. It has involved mainly two kinds of activities. Images or idols of deities made out of copper, bronze and brass are used for consecration in temples and other religious purposes. Huge Varpus (shallow basins of hemispherical shape), multi-layered lamps and household utensils are all made of these metals. These products are noted for their high degree of perfection.

Lamps of the most artistic beauty are also made by Kerala craftsmen. The Greek lamp (Changalavatta), the Archana lamp, the Arati Dipa etc., deserve mention in this context. The Aranmula metal mirror has attained fame among the products of the bell metal industry. A product of an accident in metal casting, it is made of an alloy of copper and tin and resembles the glass mirror in every respect in point of utility. The Koftagari work, one of the popular metal crafts of India, is also being practiced by a few artisans in Trivandrum. Figures of deities, landscapes, floral designs and fancy articles of a wide variety are produced in Koftagari.

Wood craft is one of the ancient arts of Kerala as is testified to by the temples and churches of the State which abound in wood carvings. Items of furniture like chairs, tables settees, sofas, almirahs, cots, radio castings etc., and models of animals and deities, toys and Kathakali accessories produced by Kerala craftsmen are very much in demand. The models of caparisoned elephants and the carvings of Kathakali dance-dolls are items of popular demand.

The craftsmen of Kerala have also developed a variety of handicrafts using the rich wealth of flora in the State. Screwpine mat weaving is one of such handicrafts. Such articles as pillow covers, cushions, vanity bags, purses, hats etc., are also made of screw pine. The art of weaving bamboo-reed mats, baskets and fancy articles is also one of the simplest of Kerala handicrafts. Kora grass is similarly used for making mats of different sizes and colours.

Rattan is used in the manufacture of articles of daily use like chairs, settees, teapoys, cradles, trays, shopping bags and a variety of other utility-cum-fancy articles. The coconut shell is used for the manufacture of such articles of utility and beauty as lamp stands, flower vases, ashtrays etc. Coir carpets and mattings produced in many attractive designs and colours find a ready market in India and abroad.

Lace and embroidery work of high quality is being done by women in several parts of Kerala. The Talangara village of Kasaragod taluk is famous for the textile cap making industry. The cotton caps manufactured here find a ready market in the African and Gulf countries.

Ivory carving is another traditional art of Kerala. The art was given an impetus by Swati Tirunal Maharaja. An ivory throne made by Swati Tirunal is still preserved as a show piece. The craftsmen engaged in this art at present produce a variety of models of mythological characters, animals, birds, cigarette cases etc., to cater to different tastes. A typical specimen of ivory carving produced in Kerala is that of the snake boat (Chundan vallam) and it is cherished by tourists to the State as a memento. The craftsmen engaged in ivory carving also use other materials like the buffalo born for practicing their art.

The jewelry of Kerala is noted for its artistic perfection. Each caste or community had its typical ornament. An ornament of the Nair women was Nagapadam or serpent hood, so called after the shape of the pendant. An ear ornament called Toda, a double convex disc, was worn after dilating the earlobes. Mukkuthi was an ornament for nose and Kappu for the wrist. The most important ornaments for the neck were Addyal, Yantram, Avil Mala and Puli Nakham. Cherutali was a kind of necklace worn loose over the breast by Namboodiri women while Kasu Mala and Oddyanam were used by Tamil Brahmin. A kind of heavy guilt brass ring called Mekka Motiram was worn by Christian women after boring their ears in several places.

Ottezhapathakkam, Kombu, Tala etc., were also typical Christian ornaments. Though most of the traditional ornaments mentioned above have become defunct now, the Kerala women are still found of ornaments, and jewelry items like necklaces, bangles, chains, earrings, studs etc., are now made by Kerala goldsmiths in a variety of attractive designs.

Apart from the main crafts described above, there are also a few others which deserve mention. Granite carving is one such art, which is mainly centred in Chengannur. The granite workers manufacture a variety of articles like idols, household equipment, pillars, survey stones etc., which are in great demand. The manufacture of musical instruments like Chenda, Maddalam, Mridangam, Edakka etc., is done in some places. The costumes and accessories required in Kathakali and Teyyam are being manufactured by some craftsmen.

In Tellicherry, the home of Indian circus, the peculiar kinds of umbrella required by circus companies are manufactured. Being a maritime State, Kerala has its own handicrafts based on marine materials. Conch-shell articles like paper weight, pin cushions, ashtrayas, studs etc., are made by craftsmen in the Trivandrum area. In Kasaragod area articles like bangles, vanity bags and name boards are made of glass beads. Thus the legacy of Kerala in the field of arts and crafts is a rich and varied one.

Handicrafts of Kerala

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Monday, October 24, 2011

Cooking With an Electric Cooker

!±8± Cooking With an Electric Cooker

Electric cookers are a great tool to have when you are involved in the preparation for a large cookout. A large electric pressure cooker can also be good for the creation of a large batch of stew on those cold winter nights. If you are unsure about what meals to fix when working with your cooker, you can read a great recipe book like "Miss Vickie's Big Book of Pressure Cooker Recipes." You can buy that and other books on There truly are some great recipes within that book.

Electric cookers are really good for breakfast food such as omelets or pancakes which you can have a lot of located on the cooker as you work away in the kitchen. These cookers should not be that expensive. You should be able to get your hands on an electric cooker for fifty dollars or less that is of a very high quality.

Global Sources is a good place to do research on the different types of manufacturers who make electric cookers. Zhejiang SUPOR Electrical Appliances Manufacturing is known for making cookers at very affordable prices. You can fit a lot of food into an electric cooker made by Zhejiang SUPOR Electrical Appliances Manufacturing. It would be nice to find an electric cooker that is made of stainless so you cook items like a large portion of rice in it and have an easy clean up. A lot of manufacturers do offer the stainless option for electric cookers which you can find on

Cooking With an Electric Cooker

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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Ice Cream Makers - Manual Vs Electric

!±8± Ice Cream Makers - Manual Vs Electric

Making your own ice cream can be one of the most rewarding experiences. Imagine having total control of how your ice cream is made and what is put into it and how thick it gets. For most people this is a real treat and for others it's a labor of love. There are two main types of ice cream makers out there, electric and manual. With an electric maker you get the wonderful homemade cream without all of the work. You simply put the ingredients into the maker and turn it on and wait, usually around 20 minutes. With a manual maker you put the ingredients into the bowl and then intermittently churn the cream about every few minutes.

Now some people prefer the way that that the hand churned tastes because it tends to have a smoother thicker texture. Others just like the idea of a group of people siting down around the ice cream maker all taking turns making the delicious treat. For the most part everyone is more than happy to help out with the churning, at least if they want any. Others prefer the easy of electric makers. These are perfect for busy families on the go. If you have small kids or only a few people in the house you may not want a manual maker because you don't have enough help with the mixing. The electric makers out there are very powerful now and you rarely have to worry about the motors burning out.

A lot of the newer machines also have an auto shut off when the ice cream gets to a certain thickness to make sure the motor doesn't burn out. There are several different types of ice cream bowls as well. Some have a bowl that you put in the freezer and pre-freeze. Some use rock salt and ice to cool the cream. Most people prefer the rock salt method because you don't have to wait for the bowl to freeze so you can have cream anytime you want it, also most people don't have that much extra space in there freezer to store a bowl. Both manual and electric makers are very good it just depends on how much work you want to put into it and how you want your ice cream experience to go. Either way homemade ice cream is the way to go.

Ice Cream Makers - Manual Vs Electric

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Sunday, September 11, 2011

Calcutta - Besieged but full of hope

!±8± Calcutta - Besieged but full of hope

At a time when communism is on its way out of this world, there is the politics of West Bengal, many eyebrows. Although they are mostly in Europe, I had the opportunity to visit this beautiful Indian state of a couple of times recently. I am currently visiting West Bengal, for my new project will require advice from me and my team and coach some senior business managers of Calcutta. So, I am in Calcutta, the capital of West Bengal, and to remain a metropolis of India. They are probably on vacationCities in two weeks. I was in Calcutta, in particular for the job. I've seen enough of the city to write about it.

A city of love

Calcutta is a city highly populated. The people are very welcoming and friendly and are very kind to foreigners. I have traveled many places and met many people, but I never met the likes of Calcutta. The city bestows warmth and hospitality, their environment and costumes straight to your heart, including its culture, withLove and security. You can interact with anyone, anywhere in the city, without inhibitions, without fear of offending. The streets, shops, sidewalks and people seem to get in touch with you and draw you into its vortex of love and compassion. No wonder that Mother Teresa established themselves here, not surprisingly, Calcutta, Pope John Paul was irresistible.

A glorious past

When British India, which was then dominant undivided, Calcutta is the capital of the nation. As a result, theCapital of India after New Delhi moved for political reasons. During the British Raj, Kolkata is often referred to as "the second city of the British Empire", because only after he came to London in terms of fame and economic importance. When the British left India in the years 1947-1950, Calcutta still reigned as the city of 'India more than politics and economics. The business sector of Calcutta was strong, as many had English entrepreneur companies up in Calcutta, the set17th and 18th centuries, when the British ruled India. There was a saying that was popular during the years before and after independence, which went: ". What Bengal thinks today, India thinks tomorrow the rest"

But only until the end of 1960

However, their position could Calcutta relevant only until the end of 1960 to keep. The "Swinging Sixties" swung for the last time in Calcutta against the darkness of communism prey to the city. A man called Jyoti Basu,Lawyer educated in England, fired by the passion of communism, not at all, except for his own selfish purposes, broke in Calcutta in 1940 after completing his studies in England, for the city in a cave below the poverty line again flag of communism. His goal was to oust the government of Siddhartha Shankar Ray and Congress as a result, the prime minister of West Bengal in 1970 and wrest power from him and the government, so that he could become prime minister,of West Bengal. His approach was to believe for the people of West Bengal, that he, Jyoti Basu, to take the true savior of the poor, has managed to reduce income disparities between rich and poor by the partisanship of communism, and uplifting the poor poverty and misery left by the radical politics of persecution.

Possessed by a demon

Jyoti Basu left no stone unturned to achieve its end. Organized groups of vandals and thugs who would be in big companies and houses crashrich mobile companies only to destroy, to kill or injure officers and direct destruction in general. Under the banner of trade unions, Jyoti Basu, hundreds of ordinary Bengali middle class and has caused, it will stop picketing, strikes, work so as to punish the owners and managers of companies. Trade unions often gherao Director and make absurd requests regarding wages and benefits. Jyoti Basu was the teeming millions of Bangladeshis, the idea that they were entitled to wages andif not all the work, which is the duty of the state to protect its workers, and that the state of ready for anything to get the rights of workers, even if it is done in a day's work.

Bengal: A race Fiery

I've been known to have enough Bengal and Bengali to know more friends in the U.S. that have an attitude of Bengal fire. Bengals are emotional by nature and are prone to mercurial mind with. You incitedno revolution, provided they have an inspirational leader. It was for this reason that the British moved their capital from Calcutta to New Delhi. Bengal has created enough problems for the British under the auspices of the fire-spirited leaders like Subhas Chandra Bose, Chittaranjan What, Bipin Chandra Pal, Rabindranath Tagore, Benoy Basu, Badal Gupta, Dinesh Gupta, Khudiram Bose, Bagha Jatin, Surya Sen Surendranath Banerjee, Sri Aurobindo and other famous freedom fighters and forced theBritish, the capital of India from Calcutta to New Delhi to change. Bengal was divided by Lord Curzon in 1905 by the same reasons. It was hoped that a divided Bengal would not be as a hotbed of politics as they are undivided Bengal. Even after India gained independence, Bengal was their passion and idealism and zeal for the revolution. Jyoti Basu found it quite easy, the spirit sparks ignite flammable Bengal souls of thousands of Bangladeshis, whose hearts were waitingAs more wicks to stand up in flames.

Satan's Judgement

Basu and his men went on a rampage in Bengal in the seventies. They took their motions of the West Bengal Assembly, the seat of executive power, legislative and administration of the country where democratically elected politicians gather from West Bengal, including the prime minister, to lead to legislation and to govern. Would disturb the assembly process of filibustering and the alternate use of force against 'Siddhartha Shankar Ray Government of West Bengal. It would fall on cars, buses and trams in the street and set them on fire. Arson, tug of war and terrorism were carried out on a large scale, until the people voted for the party of fear Basu and brought them to power in 1977. Basu course, was crowned the new Prime Minister of the Left Front government, a position he had coveted for a long time. But the atrocities of his party did not stop after his arrival in power. Basu called the CPM,Acronym that stood for the Communist Party Marxist. Basu apparently interested in acquiring absolute power for himself and his party, like most communist leaders of the world. Despite his ideology was met with widespread opposition, and although there are still many in Bengal, which has openly criticized communism, Basu was determined to stay on the ball. His bands burned villages of Bengal, peasants killed and raped, women of the village, if they dared to protest against communism. These actionsCPM guaranteed to win the victory party and win the most seats in the Assembly elections. The poor throughout the state have been forced into submission and threatened serious consequences if they had not complied with the wishes of the CPM high command and the thugs at the polls. It is therefore speak of free and fair elections in the state of West Bengal, the CPM would rig seats and vote for their candidate. When a village objected, heand his family would not be murder, property loss, rapes and other unspeakable, heinous crime to intimidate. While the Left Front government could thousands of Bengali villagers to submit this for 30 years, have not found it so easy to subjugate the population of the city.

Satan Sways

The people of Calcutta came under the influence of speeches Jyoti Basu in 1970. Intellectuals, thinkers, philosophers, (Calcutta always had a large number of these people) andMiddle class on the first really believed that communism would be good for the state, but also for the poor in Bengal, Basu, a true patriot, he was fighting for the cause of the oppressed. So they voted for him and his government without hesitation. But gradually, as Basu's true colors began to be exposed and when it became known that he is just another power hungry politician who plays the card of communism was in the interest of maintaining the power that these members of the electorate wasbecame turncoats. Therefore, the Left Front government, despite the operating system from Calcutta, Calcutta was not enough for their bastion. Since the party was going in a little over the years, more than those who had voted with all your heart to Basu and his party, the U-turn and joined the ranks of hardcore anti-communists.

A city of defeat

But the damage was already done. Thousands of factories had already closed the shop had closed to commercial and industrialBengal was already ill and in total ruin. When Bengal was famous for its strikes and lockouts, his anti-capitalist and anti-politics, flocked from farms and businesses of the city in hordes. Until the late 1980's, Calcutta was almost in the villages from which they had once formed under the aegis of the work of Charnock - Kalikata, Gobindapur and Sutan - devoid of Commerce and Industry. The richest, the most modern city in India and had a tendencytransformed into a Bustee, port 'a beggar, in a span of two decades. "What do you think today India has been, Calcutta would be able to think about years later!" All this, while those in power in West Bengal had holidays abroad, went to Switzerland for health checks, purchased in retail stores the best in the world and raised their children in the best foreign universities at the expense of taxpayers. Basu uses communism very intelligent, has become an inveterate capitalist in his own life in order. As Herself"Messiah of the mendicant orders' Basu went to Switzerland for the improvement of the heat of his skin, prevent aging, has helped his son, Chandan, conducting a series of subtle arrangements, in order to fill that Chandan could use their own funds , and obtained his grandchildren in one of the best and most expensive private schools in Calcutta and then raised them sent abroad for higher education.

A Devils victory

Basu and his team managed to make the industry turn their backs and CalcuttaBengal. No right-thinking entrepreneurs would continue to go into a store, the one with the number of strikes, blocks and multiply every day bandh. But to hear the leaders of the CPM party soon the consequences of their actions. Apart from the fact that the voters of Calcutta was gradually turning to the opposite field, Calcutta had begun, as one of the poorest and least developed cities in India are considered, despite the fact that there is still a great city.That was not good for the image of the Left Front government and the communists. Hyderabad, Bangalore, Ahmedabad and Pune were now metropolis. They beat all of Calcutta, the fronts of business and industry, education, employment, infrastructure, etc. They also include looking at Calcutta. Thousands of graduates have started leaving the city for greener pastures, like Calcutta, could not deliver the jobs they were qualified to hold. The mass escape was badfor the drainage of the city as a city of young people and marked the brain compared to other rapidly growing cities of India.

Too Late

The party realizes its mistake at CPM. But, like all communist groups thirsting for power, they wanted to stay in power. Jyoti Basu was now an old man of 86 years. So he removed from office party Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee and CPM sat down, the current Chief Minister of West Bengal, in its place. The new owners in the fifties, was hailed as a "young Chief Minister"and how "young blood", which would be drawn in any case, when the party with his new ideas. In an attempt to woo the industry back to Bengal, Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee went for a tour of the world when he came to power. He attended the fashion houses of Europe and he told the media that he hoped that some of them would set up units in Calcutta. None of them did. But Bhattacharjee and his family returned to Calcutta with a lot of Gucci handbags, Versace dresses and other fancy clothes, accessories andOrnaments for personal use. While Bhattacharjee has demonstrated his sincere zeal to turn Kolkata into a center of commerce and industry again is a wall that was built by none other than his own party men and the CITU union of the Left Front government. The CITU against every positive step that takes industrialization Bhattacharjee and scares, which could attract Bhattacharjee field, away from Bengal. ITSector, which is sometimes called, is still a child Bhattacharjee because it was the one who is largely responsible for the building in Sector V in Salt Lake, is not spared by CITU. CITU has its tentacles spread there, too, consists of the formation of a union, from software experts!

More mischief

Although the CPM has lost the elections in Calcutta, is still in power, because it wins in many villages of Bengal. And how to win the CPM? With the threat of torturekilling, rape and harm to the defenseless villagers voting booths and rigging. The villages of Bengal, Calcutta is the stronghold of the CPM party and the government of the Left Front. Workers' Party of the CPM a fortress around the villages of Bengal created. They can penetrate the opposition members that continue. In fact, their presence is so powerful in the villages, which killed members of the media when they try to get the facts from the villagers of Bengal. The West BengalPolice, an arm of the Government of West Bengal, hand in hand with the government in this matter. Without the help of armed police, the CPM is obviously difficult, members of the opposition and the media fence. Corruption prevails among the police with the police to obtain a regular part of the bribes that the CPM to blackmail politicians from various rich and poor.

Horror of Horrors

What is even more alarming that the bigwigsLeft Front government and the CPM politburo and the party are always secret connections with government officials and politicians from China. Basu himself was an ardent supporter of Mao Zedong. That the Communist masters of West Bengal has repeatedly acknowledged and even bribes from the Chinese government is a fact that is generally known. Instead of these samples show the Left Front government, military and diplomatic secrets in China, India and hinder the progress of positiveNuclear and other reforms in India so that India can never become a superpower, and so that India never a threat or an obstacle to China's interest in a superpower. China wants to dominate India and India to keep under its thumb. To bribe the Chinese officials that the West Bengal CPM leaders to spy on and infiltrate the Indian government. These clever techniques to help the Chinese national goal, which is to obtain a significant political hegemony in the world to achieve. Behind the maskMao, the Chinese politicians conspire with those of Bengal and India left to thwart the progress of India into a world power. When the CPM allies of the official Congress coalition government after the Congress came to power in the union elections of 2004, would have every blackmail tactics' s, the government of Manmohan Singh's Congress effort to avoid positive decisions for the progress in India. They continued in this way to one day decided to Manmohan Singh, to endincessant blackmail. He threatened that he would resign as prime minister if he was not allowed to implement the nuclear deal with America without the support of the CPM, Prakash Karat, a clever and unscrupulous politician, was conducted. Manmohan Singh was a prime minister and is brave. Prakash Karat, the CPM is the government party and the Left Front vehemently opposed the nuclear deal, as he was ordered to do by Chinese politicians, because if Indiaa part of the Indo U.S. nuclear agreement was, China would have to do much in terms of power to spare. However, the deal went through after the initial hiccups, thanks to Manmohan Singh. It was firm and steadfast and was not intimidated by the Left Front is the withdrawal of support. Manmohan Singh has helped the courage of conviction, the expulsion of Communists from the government traitors Congress ever. Karat, Jyoti Basu, Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee and their friends probably will not get their dirty money from corruptionThe Chinese, as they could not prevent the passage of Indo U.S. nuclear agreement. But politics makes strange bedfellows. I fear the day when the Left and the Congress once again to remain on the hands for the sake of power. This day will mark the downfall of India.

Who can overcome Satan?

The history of the state of Bengal can only conclude with Mamata Banerjee. This courageous woman, who is now 55 years, the railway minister of India, the railway portfolio to one of the most importantand difficult-to-use portfolio by the Indian government. The daughter of a poor Brahmin priest, Mamata Banerjee has to struggle in life to achieve their current position. Mamata Banerjee came to prominence when he was denied a seat in the Lok Sabha Somnath Chatterjee against heavy CPM in 1984 and was defeated by a wide margin. She was only 29 then. Of course, the Congress Party was all praise for them. Mamata Banerjee is a dedicated politician. If there is a true championthe poor, is Mamata Banerjee, leader of the Trinamul Congress. With their philosophy "But, Mati and Manush '(Mother, the land of Bengal, and the people of Bengal), has won the hearts of poor and rich alike. In the 2009 Lok Sabha elections, he won his party Trinamul Congress to a landslide victory against the Party and the CPM of the Left Front Government of West Bengal. The 2009 elections to the Lok Sabha today announced a clear mandate from the people for theirParty. Although officially in power in West Bengal only through the Assembly elections of 2011, everyone is optimistic Mamata Banerjee and the Trinamul Congress and the future of Bengal as a result of the elections in 2009.

Only an angel

Mamata Banerjee is a dynamic political leader. Above all, be honest its purpose and idealism. It is not a hypocrite. You are a true lover of Bengal. She loves the teeming masses of Bengal, feels for her, crying.During the trip, so-called communist leaders of limousines, to live their married life in stunning, palatial houses, live in a place that can be compared to a cabin with no luxury. While the CPM and Left Front leaders move away from the poor and continue to call himself the savior of the proletariat, Mamata Banerjee inexorably walks around the villages of Bengal, so that they know the villagers in person, understand their problems and allow them to alleviate their misery, and makeBetter life for them. Mamata Banerjee in West Bengal wants to advance on all fronts. While she wants to create better living conditions for the poor, who also wants to Bengal, once again its position as a commercial and industrial center of India. She always says that without industrialization can be no real progress. He wants one of the main competitor of Mumbai Kolkata in terms of economy, finance and industry to do, Darjeeling, West Bengal and Switzerland of Asia, one ofadvanced states of India. He has held several meetings with businessmen and warned, factories and mills, which have been forced to close under the regime of Jyoti Basu were to open again. I myself have several of these agreements in part. Industrialists and economists welcomed as a breath of fresh air that can be relied upon. All the business people of West Bengal to keep our fingers crossed that it can to power in 2011 and returned to life and provide a much needed contribution to the strengthening ofailing economy of West Bengal. At the recent decline of Jyoti Basu, at the age of 96, noted industrialist, who represented the decline of industry and commerce in Bengal.

Magic Remains

As I walk from my fantasy suites in ITC Sonar Bangla on the freeway east of Calcutta Metropolitan, and take the car out of the city of Calcutta, I am the echo of the city, places and smells overwhelmed. Crowded and busy and falls apart in some places, holds a special CalcuttaPlace in my heart. I came here many times, but continue to inspire and enchant me, Calcutta. And more are becoming familiar with the city's history, politics, financial condition, environment, culture, people and the voice of its media, the more I started at the beginning of the CPM, Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee, the front Left government in the late hate Jyoti Basu, Biman Bose, Brinda and Prakash Karat, the destruction of this beautiful city, this "City of Joy" beautiful. By the way, The City of JoyCalcutta is a novel that was written by Dominique Lapierre in 1985.

In spite of Villains

I would also like to fill you with some facts Biman Bose and Brinda and Prakash Karat. Biman Bose, chairman of the Party of the Left Front in West Bengal and CPM politburo member, is a vile man who can not speak a single word, without swearing at the worst possible language. Brinda and Prakash Karat are a couple of elite and snobbish to do as the communists. Prakash Karat, the presentSecretary of the CPM is a greedy politician with a criminal mentality. He was constantly threatened to withdraw support to the UPA coalition government over the Indo U.S. nuclear deal, while he was on the payroll of the Chinese government and has been bogged down with Chinese leaders pay for the nuclear deal. Manmohan Singh, the then minister and now first in India, was conducted by Karat threats and its support and decided to deal with the sans continued support of the Left. The Left Frontof power at national level was the day they drew their support to the UPA government and Singh have decided not to move it. Brinda Karat, the wife of Prakash Karat, another greedy politicians, the Lady Macbeth of the party and the CPM politburo, which of course has bent the criminal mind.

Sunset on Calvary and the Resurrection?

And 'now evening. They are standing beside the Bhagirathi-Hooghly River, a tributary of the Ganges, in Millennium Park, Calcutta. As lovers walkHand in hand and yell at the family picnic and scream at Merry-go-rounds and slides and swings, and I'm just resting my hands on the railing that separates the park from the water. I just got some photos of a breathtaking sunset over the river with my digital camera. I hope to keep these images in my laptop for good. I will also be deductions from them, so I frame and place it in my living room back home. I see boats and sailing boats on the River.They take a lot of people on a cruise. I'd also take a river cruise on one of them, but do not go today. I had a good consultation with the manager today. All of them were the ones to blue-chip company based in Calcutta. The cool zephyr is sweet rubbing my face. I feel relaxed, but anxious. Concerned about what happened in 2011. I want the sun to Calcutta every time I am a citizen of France, and a complete glossaryForeigners in the city. And who or what do you think I mean when I speak of the sun, but Mamata Banerjee to speak? She is the sun of Calcutta, the only hope. His charisma, it is worth a thousand torches to light. She is the only person to be able to Calcutta, will revert to its former place of honor in India.

Of course I will return to Calcutta in 2011 for a short trip if for no other purpose. I'll be back to Millennium Park where I am now. And even if I come to take forPhoto of the Bhagirathi-Hooghly sun goes down in the river, I hope that the city will come out of Mamata Banerjee, the sun and savior of Calcutta and West Bengal, bathed.

Calcutta - Besieged but full of hope

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Saturday, September 10, 2011

Sarees and the art of wearing a sari in different styles

!±8± Sarees and the art of wearing a sari in different styles

The history of clothing sensual clothing!

Any unstitched fabric of the story was considered sacred. This particular dress has its origins in the Indus Valley civilization and women wear it draped like a pair of pants.

During a period of exponential change is a saree, not only for clothing to the temples, but also how the clothes look worn everyday. Through the tunnel of the history of each region has its own style of wearing the sari paired and each hastheir history. Now-a-days are usually preferred to wear sarees as a party. A right-draped, pleated blouse and well-matched with the woman and her always an ego high.

Saree History:

The word derives from the Prakrit word Saree "Sattika", which was later shortened to "sati" and only much later, "Sari". About the Hindus as unclean each stitched, were women not to wear shirts outside the British colonial period applied. Favour with British Invasion and more Muslim womento wear saris, the existence was known as the choli blouse launched. Since then, remain the most important aspects of the same saree, a 6-meter saree, petticoat and a matching blouse.

Nivi style of wearing a sari:

Before wearing a sari, have to make sure it has a petticoat and blouse placed correctly matching a non-flaring. Check that the length of wait under the skirt is ankle. Take one end of the sari and tuck neatly in her underwear around her waist, from right toleft. Make sure that the bottom end of the saree touches the ground slightly.

Continuing from where the sari is tucked away just ended and now start from the folds of her sari away. Of the first five minutes of the six lines of saris, each of them will be sufficient with a width of five inches. Keep them all together so that they fall straight and even. Then look for the wrinkles in her slip slightly to the left of the navel. Also make sure that the pleats are turned towards the left.

ThePart of the sari is left to the crease as Pallu. Now collect the Pallu and put it over your left shoulder. The upper edge of the sari should tilt of the torso under his right arm over his left shoulder. The pallu has to touch the fingertips, as it falls evenly behind you. It can be prevented from slipping through the shoulder blouse with attachment to a safety pin small.

Gujurathi style of wearing a sari:

Gujrati style of wearing a sari is veryNivi similar to the style with the only difference that in this styleis the Pallu. The "Pallu" or the end of decorative sari is draped over the right shoulder, instead of the left shoulder. In this style, the Pallu is wound from the rear to the front and unika normal style in which the pallu draped front to back.

Maharastrian style of wearing a sari:

Maharashtrian sari draping style is among the Brahmin women especially in Maharashtra, Karnataka and Andhra townPradesh. This sari is in a way that placed the center of the sari on the back of life and the ends of the sari are tied securely draped at the front. Then the two ends are wrapped around the legs. The right side is now decorative draped over her shoulders, while the left side of pleated and fastened at the waist.

Mundu Neriyathum:

Mundu Neriyathum is the writing of Kerala. This style compromises Mundu or lower skirt and a piece of cloth or Neriyathumalong with the sari blouse. Mundu is like wearing a worn and is securely wrapped Dhothi at the hip. Now Neriyathum wrapped over her blouse and hidden in the life of Mundu.

Although there are various types of wearing a sari, these are four styles of the most important and basic styles of saris. There are a variety of styles depending on the region and customs. Madise as the style is to limit the ladies Brahmin, while the style of the tribal population Kodogu Nilgris limited. ThisTo sue styles designed to meet the needs of the area in which they live

Sarees and the art of wearing a sari in different styles

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Saturday, September 3, 2011

Brahmin Jackie Port Melbourne Tote (Port)

!±8± Brahmin Jackie Port Melbourne Tote (Port)

Brand : Brahmin | Rate : | Price :
Post Date : Sep 04, 2011 01:14:04 | Usually ships in 1-2 business days

  • Gorgeous exotic embossed leather with engraved brass hardware
  • Measures approx. 9 inch (W bottom) x 16 inch (W top) x 11 inch (H center) x 3 inch (D bottom)
  • Magnetic snap closure; fully lined interior with multifunctional pockets
  • Two shoulder straps with 10 inch drop length
  • Interior with two large zipper pockets, one keyhook and two pen loops

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Brahmin Jackie Port Melbourne Tote (Port)

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